Sunday, January 30, 2011

Working from Home is a Viable Alternative to Unemployment

Today it is easier than ever to work from home...If you dream of being your own boss, owning your own business or just like to do things "your own way" you probably have an entrepreneurial spirit...

What exactly is an entrepreneur, anyway?

An entrepreneur is a "person who moves forwards to obtain what they want, regardless of their current circumstances. Even if they have no money, no help, no support,& no idea of what to do next, they just do it anyway, without concern of the possibility of failure." Alison Hamlin-Hughes ♥

An entrepreneur will have a compelling vision that drives them. The traits that distinguish them from dreamers are an ability to follow through with a plan, as well as the important characteristics of optimism, creativity, stability, energy and a tolerance for risk.

• Optimism – is seeing things in a positive way regardless of obstacles that may appear to hinder progress.

• Creativity – is thinking outside of the box. It is necessary to open one’s mind to possibility thinking. There is "more than one way to skin a cat" is an old cliche....but options are critical to problem solving.

• Stability – physical, mental, social and emotional stability creates the backdrop for clarity to properly perceive the various situations that may arise while managing a business.

• Energetic – willing to do whatever it takes, for however long it takes, to reach the goal. Enthusiasm is contagious and provides the motivation to keep going.

• Risk-taker – The universe rewards bold entrepreneur must be willing to leap...taking chances when opportunity knocks.

So "off" with conventional thinking and "on" with non-traditional solutions to current problems.

If you find yourself a casualty of the times, then try on a new role. Think big. Act. Make your dreams come true.

You can start right here. Join me for an hour or so a day as we build our business by joyfully clickin' for pennies and collectin' $$$$$$$.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Make Money from Home

Come one, come all....Are you unemployed....underemployed....student....stay-at-home mom?....Anyone can do this.....if you want or need some extra cash, Paid-to-Click (PTC) sites are an excellent option.

PTC websites are online businesses that act as middlemen between advertisers and consumers. The advertiser pays a fee for displaying ads to the PTC website, and the PTC site then pays their members for clicking and viewing the advertisements.

The great thing about PTCs is that they allow anyone to start exactly where they are. They are free to join and standard memberships allow you to click the ads for free as well. You can start earning today....from right where you are, whether you have any cash to invest or not.

The important thing to realize is that this is not a get rich quick scheme, and it requires commitment and dedication. Obviously, four cents a day is not much, but stick with it. Clickin' for pennies really does work. Just follow the steps on the "Getting Started" page.

Once you have joined the three sites I recommend (Onbux, GoodKarmaClicks, and Infinitybux), simply click the available number of ads EVERYDAY. I can not stress enough how important this is. You really will want to make this a habit because once you start renting referrals (see "Make $$$$$ with PTC Sites), you will only get paid for their clicks IF you click the day before.

I will repeat myself....If you want to make money from PTC sites.....You MUST click EVERYDAY! Period.

So......if you have 30 minutes a day (it literally takes 5 minutes a site), I invite you to join me on this grand adventure where I'm clickin' for pennies and collectin' $$$$$$$!

Friday, January 28, 2011

One of the BEST PTC sites I've Found, So Far

We have discussed Onbux and Good Karma Clicks. Today, as my third pick for "Favorite Sites," let's visit Infinitybux.

I joined Infinitybux on January 7, 2011. I purchased my first referrals on January 13, 2011, then again on the 20th, and lastly, on the 26th. These purchases have resulted in a combined total of 42 referrals, so far.

Infinitybux is unique in the PTCs I have joined this month, in that when you rent referrals, they are converted to direct referrals. This is very cool....No extending or recycling required.

I upgraded to "Elite" to get the following benefits:

Elite Members: (1 yr $89.95)
Per click:100% of click value
Per referral click:100% of click value
Minimum payout: $1.00
Referral ad purchase:20%
Referral upgrade:$7.50 Commission
Maximum Referrals:Unlimited

I have received one payout of $2.17, and am currently accumulating about $1 a day from this site.

I realize I have very limited data from such a short history, but it is one of my favorite sites at the moment. It is easy to use and as an added bonus, the admin has responded quickly, and thoughtfully, to any questions I have had.

I recommend that you join me at Infinitybux where you'll find me happily clickin' for pennies and collectin' dollars!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Get Your Good Karma Today

This one's a keeper!

Yesterday, I told you about Onbux. Today, I would like to introduce Good Karma Clicks. This is the second addition to my "PTC favorites" list.

I joined Good Karma Clicks on January 15, 2011. I was awarded Pioneer Status for being among the first 1200 members to join. This gives me a 12% discount on all future upgrade purchases..... WOOO HOOO!! The Universe rewards BOLD action.

I rented 50 referrals on the 16th, and after waiting the required seven days, I upgraded to GoodKarma level for $13.20 for one month. In retrospect I believe it would have been better to upgrade to KarmaMaster from the beginning. It is quite possible that I have not collected as many $$$$ as I could have!

I have upgraded and expect to be very pleased that I did. So far I have rented 150 active referrals. With the KarmaMaster upgrade I am able to rent referrals every two days. With the funds generated from my present referrals,I will continue to rent until I reach the maximum of 2,000.

This is all very exciting!

"When the brain is engaged, the soul is most alive" is a quote by M.A. Soupios, PhD. This little project has proven to me how true that statement really is!

I hope you are having as much fun (at whatever you are doing) as I am Clickin' for Pennies and collecting $$$$$$!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

OnBux Pays.....

I joined Onbux on 12/26/2010.

I am very excited to report that I have been clickin' for pennies every day since without any problems.

Since I have been following the plan to "Make $$$$ with PTCs," I do not yet have "payouts" to show, but I am currently making about $4 a day. Not yet a fortune, but if I can make $4 then I can make $40 and if I can make $40 then I can make $400....That will be a fortune to me....

I upgraded my account to "fast track" this process..... I must say that it was a good decision....eighty dollars ($80) well spent! I have been very happy with the results.

Onbux allows me to "rent" referrals every six days. I rented referrals on January 14 and January 20. I will rent referrals again today as soon as I am able....

So far my results are showing that for every 100 referrals rented, I am receiving an additional two dollars ($2) per day. It is very exciting to see the progress and I get a "raise" every six days!! WOOO HOOOO

As I learn to better manage the referrals, with the extend and recycle features, I think this statistic may well improve....

In the meantime, I have posted banners and splash pages in my favorite traffic exchanges in an effort to start building my "direct referrals."

I am building my business one day at a time and having a blast doing it!

I'm clickin' for pennies knowing that SOON I will be collecting dollars!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Getting Started with Paid-to-Click (PTC)

It is really very easy to get started with PTC's. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of them available. The trick is to find the ones that actually pay you....Well, as I weed through them I will tell you what I think are the best....

Anyway, to get started all you really need are a few things.....

1. A computer with an internet connection....unfortunately, most sites that I have looked through will not allow you to use public computers such as the ones available at universities or libraries.

2. A "gmail" email address....this is necessary because many sites recommend gmail and some will refuse access to any other type of account....It really is easier just to get one from the start.

3. A payment processor - Alertpay or Paypal - I have both and have not had difficulty using either one.... If you do not yet have one of these accounts then you may use the following link to register

4. You will need a bank account to receive funds the payment processor

Once you gather the essential tools together you are ready to start Clickin' for Pennies! My experience so far illustrates that with some diligence and commitment you will soon be collecting $$$$$!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Let's Make Some Money!

Hi, everyone.  Welcome to Clickin' for Pennies!

My New Year's resolution for 2011 is to replace and exceed my previous income using the internet.  My experience with the internet is limited.  Over the past year I joined a couple of teams that were less than successful. I also joined several traffic exchanges where I managed to sign up for just about every offer of information proffered. So.... my plan for this year is to put the relevant information to the test and make some money!

Join me as I journey through the labyrinth of the world wide web clickin' for pennies in an effort to collect dollars.