Changes to the structure of this site have caused me to stop using it.
For the month of January 2011, I received one payout from GoodKarmaClicks. At month's end, I have 180 rented referrals and 1 direct referral.
I am currently earning about $5 per day from this site, and I continue to rent referrals when they are available.
Now, on with the show!
Date: February 02, 2011 1:19:23 AM
Amount Sent: $25.04 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Sender Email: goodkarmaclicks@constructivegrowth.net
As of today I have 186 rented referrals and 5 direct referrals
Date: 2/16/2011 6:04:39 PM
Name/Email: GoodKarmaClicks
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $39.80 USD
As of today, I have 189 rented referrals and 13 direct referrals. I am earning about $7 per day from this site.
Date: February 23, 2011 6:33:24 PM
Amount Sent: $34.80 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Sender Email: goodkarmaclicks@constructivegrowth.net
As of today I have 195 rented and 19 direct referrals
Date: March 05, 2011 12:22:33 PM
Amount Sent: $49.50 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Sender Email: goodkarmaclicks@constructivegrowth.net
Date: March 12, 2011 11:07:35 AM
Amount Sent: $49.50 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Sender Email: goodkarmaclicks@constructivegrowth.net
Date: March 19, 2011 4:22:05 PM
Amount Sent: $14.80 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Date: March 26, 2011 7:26:44 PM
Amount Sent: $26.13 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Date: April 02, 2011 9:11:04 PM
Amount Sent: $22.50 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Sender Email: goodkarmaclicks@constructivegrowth.net
Date: April 09, 2011 5:02:42 PM
Amount Sent: $22.50 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Date: April 16, 2011 4:46:24 PM
Amount Sent: $22.50 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Date: May 15, 2011 1:35:25 AM
Amount Sent: $15.75 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Date: May 29, 2011 1:27:02 PM
Amount Sent: $18.93 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Date: June 14, 2011 7:31:57 PM
Amount Sent: $4.69 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks