Anyway, to get started all you really need are a few things.....
1. A computer with an internet connection....unfortunately, most sites that I have looked through will not allow you to use public computers such as the ones available at universities or libraries.
2. A "gmail" email address....this is necessary because many sites recommend gmail and some will refuse access to any other type of account....It really is easier just to get one from the start.
3. A payment processor - Alertpay or Paypal - I have both and have not had difficulty using either one.... If you do not yet have one of these accounts then you may use the following link to register

4. You will need a bank account to receive funds from the payment processor
Once you gather the essential tools together you are ready to start Clickin' for Pennies!
The next step is click on the banners below to join these five sites. Once your registration is complete, click on EVERY SINGLE ONE of the available ads EVERYDAY.
Check back often as I will continue to add paying sites to my list of "must haves." My experience so far illustrates that with some diligence and commitment to clickin' for pennies, you will soon be collecting $$$$$!!