Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.~William Jennings Bryan
Mark Hodgetts recently asked what was the mindset for the folks that use PTC sites.
I had an immediate response to that question, but thought that it would be better to think on it awhile. Reading this quote today inspired me to go ahead and reveal the mindset that compels me to participate in PTC sites.
As I've indicated in several posts, I decided to earn an income from the internet a little over a year ago...I had little to no experience with the internet, few to no skills in the arena of marketing, website design, or sales and absolutely no idea what I was doing...
I read everything I could find...bought products I had no idea how to use and joined teams that went belly up faster than you can say the words...I wasn't making any money, but I didn't give up...I kept reading, and signing up for any offer that promised information while I was surfing the traffic exchanges.
One team I was on offered a PTC option as part of a matrix program...I started clickin' for pennies and eventually made my first $5 online...but more importantly I saw the potential for making large sums (relative term) of money by leveraging referrals...I started calculating what it would take to earn one dollar a day, then $5, $10 and so on.
As is often the case, this new awareness opened my eyes to a whole world of PTC options I had not seen before...And in January, I started signing up for as many as I could find.....WHOOOO Buddy....They are everywhere and new ones are born everyday....
Not all of them are what they say, but thank goodness (and determination) I found some that actually do what they promise and make amends when things go awry...
So anyway three months into the PTC project, I have actually made a little money (just under $500) online....For me, this fuels the fire and keeps me interested while I continue to learn and improve my skills so I can make even more money online...I imagine there are many people that could use an extra couple hundred dollars a month just to make ends meet....Believe me when I say clickin' for pennies is much easier than finding a second job....
So Mark, my mindset around using PTC sites is that it is doable by doesn't take any skill and anyone can start right now! This is very powerful because the internet can be intimidating when you don't know your way around...
Whether it is a blessing or curse, I am willing to jump into the unknown and figure it out as I go....Many people are not able to make that leap...PTC is a way to get your feet wet and have success without much risk....
Yes, I know there are many unreliable PTC sites....and I am doing my level best to steer people clear of those sites by reporting only the ones that are actually paying and doing what they promise....
Obviously, I can't speak for every site, but believe me when I say I've tried dozens more than I recommend! The stats I have posted are true at the time they are posted, as are my endorsements.....
As with all things, PTC sites are an ever changing landscape and all we can do is keep evolving with them.... so for now, I will keep on clickin' for pennies and collectin' $$$$$$ everyday....
I invite you to join me anytime....