Two months into this project, I feel that I am very successful....
Things are going very well and I am excited to share the progress I have made.
As of today I have:
Onbux - 2 direct referrals + 870 rented referrals = $8 day
Good Karma Clicks - 19 direct referrals + 199 rented referrals = $7 day
Infinitybux - 48 direct referrals = $1.50 day
Vynbux - 21 direct referrals, 425 rented referrals = $5 day
VCbux - 1 direct referral, 9 rented referrals
Globobux - 1 direct referral, 4 rented referrals
Getbuxtoday - 10 direct referrals + 25 rented referrals = $1.50 day
Xactbux - 1 direct referral
Zing bux - 1 direct referral
Clixsense - 1 direct referral
Clickin' for Pennies is not difficult. It does take some effort and persistence, but anyone can do this. There are so many unemployed people right now....I hope they or anyone who needs some extra income will be motivated to give Paid-To-Click sites a try. Everything you need to know to get started and succeed can be found right here on these pages. Register for any of the sites by clicking on the banners....You may just find you love Clickin' for Pennies as much as I do...There's no doubt that you'll love collectin' $$$$$
Proof of Payment for the past month
Date: 2/16/2011 6:04:39 PM
Name/Email: GoodKarmaClicks
Amount: $39.80 USD
Date: February 23, 2011 6:33:24 PM
Amount Sent: $34.80 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Date: March 05, 2011 12:22:33 PM
Amount Sent: $49.50 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Date: March 12, 2011 11:07:35 AM
Amount Sent: $49.50 USD
Sender Name: GoodKarmaClicks
Date: February 26, 2011 12:19:06 AM
Amount Sent: $14.75 USD
Sender Name: The Online Ad Network (Getbuxtoday)
Date: March 03, 2011 3:27:38 PM
Amount Sent: $10.10 USD
Sender Name:
Date: March 12, 2011 11:42:26 AM
Amount Sent: $11.72 USD
Sender Name:
Date: February 24, 2011 4:09:57 PM
Amount Sent: $8.30 USD
Sender Name: NetSolutions365 ltd
Sender Email:
Date: March 14, 2011 4:52:29 PM
Amount Sent: $17.31 USD
Sender Name: NetSolutions365 ltd
Sender Email:
Date: February 27, 2011 7:06:54 AM
Amount Sent: $5.03 USD
Sender Name: SchnaapKlicks (DGNS Solutions LLC)