I write this post after I tallied my earnings for July. It is sad, indeed, compared to what it use to be, but it is something, nonetheless.
The main point of Clickin' for Pennies was to begin to earn money online. I have managed to do a little of that, and have reinvested my earnings into other programs with a goal to make even more money.
With my earnings I have been able to purchase several memberships and upgrades in programs I think will be great long term investments.
I have purchased a lifetime membership in Click Track Profit, as well as upgrades in several traffic exchanges.
Click Track Profit is a fairly new program, but with all the backing it has, it should be around for a long time. As more people come into the internet looking to earn money, it should be a worthwhile long term investment.
I have purchased lifetime upgrades at I Love Hits, TopTierTraffic, Celtic Clicks, and SiteXplosion
I have also have monthly upgrades at Click Voyager and StartXchange,
Finally, the money I have earned from Clickin' for Pennies has allowed me to purchase memberships in the programs that provide the tools to earn money online. These programs are Instant Splash and Traffic Wave.
As several of the PTC I was using have faded away, I have added a new batch of PTCs to my repertoire, so for the time being, I will be clickin' for pennies and collectin' $$$$$ to reinvest in my online adventures.